Saturday, May 14, 2011

26 hours in Oman

Mountains. I miss them all the time anyway, but didn't realize how much until my trip to Oman this weekend. I would argue that the second you cross the border, the terrain changes and you feel like you're driving through the desert in Arizona or the vast expanse of Utah. The bunches of date oases crop up seemingly out of nowhere, goats and camels litter the side of the roads, and the mountains span the horizon.

Same planet, different world feeling, to say the least. Who do you think was staying at our hotel? The Lama himself (just let a girl believe), alongside the French cast of Cocoon (they loved the pool) and dancing girls to entertain guests at the Russian bar. Unfortunately, Michelle and I forgot our black spandex mini dresses/flowing robes/geriatric sandals, or we would have blended right in.

The Nizwa fort was quite stunning. For those not up on their Omani history, it's a very isolated country, with only a small time period of Portuguese influence....hence the forts. Architecturally speaking, it's very cool, but the preservation side of me screams "fake". It's a little from column A, little from column B. I'll take it, as it was a lovely break from the daily humdrum in Abu Dhabi. Wink.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Random Thoughts and Pictures

1. It's really getting hot out there now - 103. For my foreign followers, that means 39. However you say it, it's hot. And humid. And sun-ny.

2. What I would have given for a bagel w. cream cheese this morning. Muffins are nice but I love bagels so much, they make me cry.

3. Who knew fighting for a cab in Abu Dhabi was WORSE than fighting for one in NYC? Seriously, I had to essentially body slam my way into a cab yesterday morning. Good thing I'm totally jacked.

And on to the pictures

These camels "hugging" were too cute not to post.

Pictures don't do the dunes justice - they're amazing.

I can't get enough of the F1 track....

The view of Dubai from Slessy Man's apartment....bright lights, bigger city

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Arabian Nights

Like Arabian Days
More often than not
Are hotter than hot
In a lot of good ways

Our journey started with a camel visit....they were everything I imagined. Gentle giants with big doe eyes, who just want a little rub on the top of their noses. Strong enough to crush you in a single kick, although, I honestly believe, they instead to want to sit in your lap.

The dune bashing portion of the evening was so fun - came with a many recommendations and I'll send the same message along to any other visitors to the region (I mean, if Stevie Wonder and James Cameron have gone, all the cool kids must do it). Like a rollercoaster that lasts for 25+ minutes. We even managed "No Hands" but immediately stopped when our driver wanted to join us. Thrill, yes; death, not yet, thanks.

Oh I come from a land, from a faraway place
Where the caravan camels roam

Where it's flat and immense
And the heat is intense

It's barbaric, but hey, it's home (for 3 more weeks)