Monday, May 9, 2011

Random Thoughts and Pictures

1. It's really getting hot out there now - 103. For my foreign followers, that means 39. However you say it, it's hot. And humid. And sun-ny.

2. What I would have given for a bagel w. cream cheese this morning. Muffins are nice but I love bagels so much, they make me cry.

3. Who knew fighting for a cab in Abu Dhabi was WORSE than fighting for one in NYC? Seriously, I had to essentially body slam my way into a cab yesterday morning. Good thing I'm totally jacked.

And on to the pictures

These camels "hugging" were too cute not to post.

Pictures don't do the dunes justice - they're amazing.

I can't get enough of the F1 track....

The view of Dubai from Slessy Man's apartment....bright lights, bigger city

1 comment:

  1. Hi Miranda!

    "Back" now from an extremely overbusy few months not pausing long enough to smell the roses or otherwise connect.

    Your pictures are the most AMAZING I have ever seen in my entire life and i hope you are thinking about how to "publish them for the rest of the universe.


    Hope all is well and will read through the blog and probably find my answer...

