1. It's really getting hot out there now - 103. For my foreign followers, that means 39. However you say it, it's hot. And humid. And sun-ny.
2. What I would have given for a bagel w. cream cheese this morning. Muffins are nice but I love bagels so much, they make me cry.
3. Who knew fighting for a cab in Abu Dhabi was WORSE than fighting for one in NYC? Seriously, I had to essentially body slam my way into a cab yesterday morning. Good thing I'm totally jacked.
And on to the pictures
Hi Miranda!
ReplyDelete"Back" now from an extremely overbusy few months not pausing long enough to smell the roses or otherwise connect.
Your pictures are the most AMAZING I have ever seen in my entire life and i hope you are thinking about how to "publish them for the rest of the universe.
Hope all is well and will read through the blog and probably find my answer...