Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Flying solo across the Atlantic

None of my friends and family seem interested in much else than photos from my travels and, yes, I'll get to those, but bear with me and read the ramble first.

24+ hours, 8 time zones, 5 movies, 3 meal services, and several other numbered items that seem inconsequential now, I've made it to Abu Dhabi. Palm trees line the road to the airport, warm breezes well into the wee hours of the night, and construction everywhere I look - this city is living up to all the stories.

My new coworkers, Firas and Lindsey, made sure my first night wasn't a waste and promptly took me from the airport out to a club, for drinks and dancing until 4am. Would you have turned down an opportunity to party it up with two "devastingly good-looking blokes"? They didn't think so either. Note my newfound appreciation for British-isms and expect them only get worse over my time here, as I'm the only American on my team.

After the timezone shock wore on and the work week started, I began to notice some of the little things that my great aunts would love....the food things. Free lunch in the office - yes, thank you. Waiters who bring you your coffee, fresh squeezed juice, or pretty much any other beverage you want, right to your desk - sure, why not? Desserts at every turn - ok, I'll have seconds if you twist my arm. However lazy I thought I was at work, it just got taken to a new level. Good thing I remembered my pants with the elastic waistband. To end the food portion of the programming, I'll leave you with this final thought/image. Commonly misprounced "Miranda" in Middle Eastern markets, due to its Arabic spelling, the name means "wonderful". That sums it up so far.

1 comment:

  1. you've been there a week and they've already named a beverage after you! i couldn't be more proud. mom's going to demand that you export her a box of those things, and then they're going to sit in her garage for the next 30 years because they're too precious to drink. xoxo
