Saturday, May 14, 2011

26 hours in Oman

Mountains. I miss them all the time anyway, but didn't realize how much until my trip to Oman this weekend. I would argue that the second you cross the border, the terrain changes and you feel like you're driving through the desert in Arizona or the vast expanse of Utah. The bunches of date oases crop up seemingly out of nowhere, goats and camels litter the side of the roads, and the mountains span the horizon.

Same planet, different world feeling, to say the least. Who do you think was staying at our hotel? The Lama himself (just let a girl believe), alongside the French cast of Cocoon (they loved the pool) and dancing girls to entertain guests at the Russian bar. Unfortunately, Michelle and I forgot our black spandex mini dresses/flowing robes/geriatric sandals, or we would have blended right in.

The Nizwa fort was quite stunning. For those not up on their Omani history, it's a very isolated country, with only a small time period of Portuguese influence....hence the forts. Architecturally speaking, it's very cool, but the preservation side of me screams "fake". It's a little from column A, little from column B. I'll take it, as it was a lovely break from the daily humdrum in Abu Dhabi. Wink.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Random Thoughts and Pictures

1. It's really getting hot out there now - 103. For my foreign followers, that means 39. However you say it, it's hot. And humid. And sun-ny.

2. What I would have given for a bagel w. cream cheese this morning. Muffins are nice but I love bagels so much, they make me cry.

3. Who knew fighting for a cab in Abu Dhabi was WORSE than fighting for one in NYC? Seriously, I had to essentially body slam my way into a cab yesterday morning. Good thing I'm totally jacked.

And on to the pictures

These camels "hugging" were too cute not to post.

Pictures don't do the dunes justice - they're amazing.

I can't get enough of the F1 track....

The view of Dubai from Slessy Man's apartment....bright lights, bigger city

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Arabian Nights

Like Arabian Days
More often than not
Are hotter than hot
In a lot of good ways

Our journey started with a camel visit....they were everything I imagined. Gentle giants with big doe eyes, who just want a little rub on the top of their noses. Strong enough to crush you in a single kick, although, I honestly believe, they instead to want to sit in your lap.

The dune bashing portion of the evening was so fun - came with a many recommendations and I'll send the same message along to any other visitors to the region (I mean, if Stevie Wonder and James Cameron have gone, all the cool kids must do it). Like a rollercoaster that lasts for 25+ minutes. We even managed "No Hands" but immediately stopped when our driver wanted to join us. Thrill, yes; death, not yet, thanks.

Oh I come from a land, from a faraway place
Where the caravan camels roam

Where it's flat and immense
And the heat is intense

It's barbaric, but hey, it's home (for 3 more weeks)

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Le Burj Khalifa

Too bad it's been so hazy and sandy in the UAE, or my views from the Burj Khalifa would have been unbelievable. Even so, I was still impressed. This first picture is towards the water and the "islands" showing slightly are The World Islands. Sure looks like they're sinking back into the sea...then again the amazing sky just dwarfed everything for me and I just kept staring at the clouds. Literally, head in the clouds.

My friends and I went right at sunset to see the city at both day and night. Quite lovely, quite sci-fi. For inquiring minds, there are bathrooms at the top, and we did use them. TMI? Too bad.

The finale was the show at the bottom. Let's face it, any time Thriller is being blared, my feet start dancing, but when I get to share my legendary moves with fountains, well, no dancing partner is going to be the same. It was fireworks and waterfalls all at once.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

More views of the UAE

Aloft Hotel - CityScape Networking Hour

Le Meridien Hotel

Private Beach at the Intercon


Sunday, April 3, 2011

go speed racer go

The list of cool things to do in the UAE is lengthy but here are my Top 5.

5. The Grand Mosque. 1 word, 4 syllables: extravagance. Never seen anything like it and the pictures don't do it justice. It is the Magnum of the mosque world.

4. Al Ain Wildlife Park. Cute animals - check. Scary animals - check. Zoo train - check. Entrance fee - less than 5 USD. Bargain price for your inner child to have fun one afternoon.

3. Friday brunch. Pick a hotel. Any hotel. Brunch is going to be amazing no matter your choice. Unlimited food complete with unlimited beverage selection. Pasta to sushi, eggs to ice cream, seafood to salads. My mouth is watering thinking about it all. Eat, drink, eat some more and be merry all midday. And then take a well-deserved nap.

2. Wild Wadi. Always been a fan of waterparks - just ask my parents, as I'm pretty sure I had at least two birthday parties at them - but the super ride at Wild Wadi takes the cake. Four-person, "Cloverleaf", inner tube that shoots you down the start of the slide into a cone, up the wall for a magnificent (and pretty frightening) view of Dubai, only to ramp you up the other side where you're sure that one of your friends will fall out on top of you thanks to the impressive vertical....and then you hit two more cones on the same slide. Heart racing and motion-sick by the end, but, of course, we looked at each other and said "Again!!!!"

You're thinking, "How is it possible to top this list of exciting adventures?". Drumroll, please.

1. Yas Training Nights. Every Tuesday night, the F1 track is open to runners, walkers, and cyclists for training. I won't explain the awesomeness of this, so if you need one, tough. Perhaps, instead, I'll see you out there tonight, and you can experience it for yourself.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Lessons far

Closing in on my first month here, there are quite a few things I've noticed that, while the norm, still make me stop and go "hm".

Observation #1: PDA is not acceptable. This comes at the high price of my favorite TV shows and movies jumping around to edit even any PG kissing scenes. When I head to the malls, there is specific signage, right alongside "No smoking", that reads "No overt displays of affection". Two male security guards holding hands is A-OK, but Will Smith planting a smacker on Eva Medes draws the line. Thanks for not touching Sons of Anarchy's cussing like sailors (no offense to any sailors out there).

Observation #2: Wear a short skirt or sleeveless top and be prepared to be stared at like Pope driving by in his sweet ride. Granted, skintight anything on anyone is no problemo. Call me old fashioned, but I would rather see a little shoulder than some people with all the rolls and wobbly bits hanging out. Ladies of the UAE - I'm watching. And judging, of course.

Observation #3: Ever wondered what the rush would be like to play chicken across a freeway? Well, come on down. Random men running across the freeway has been commonplace on my journeys to Dubai and Al Ain, and no one bats an eye. Sure I flinch everytime I see this, but as God as my witness, I have not seen any human roadkill, which begs the question - Americans, are we being out machoed? Seriously, kids don't try this at home.

Observation #4: Fast-food delivery. Oh yeah, it exists. Because eating junk food and being lazy was just not enough these days. You need it brought to your door and NOW. Sure, there's the standard pizza and Thai fare but Im talking about Burger King, McDonald's, and KFC. Give me a fast-food chain and I'll find the number to call. I thought I had hit the jackpot in NYC when I found out BB&B and TJs delivered. Clearly, I was mistaken. Who's ready to send me $5 so I can photo document fast-food at it's finest and be able to scoff while doing my best Martha's Vineyard accent, coyly remarking "Muffy, dahling, drivethrus are so last decade"?

Monday, March 21, 2011

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Signed, sealed, delivered

I'm yours, Stevie.

What a show. What a venue. Outdoor stage and energized crowd, Mr. Wonder is a man worth seeing perform. He was amazing. He brought out most of the classics (I'm still waiting for my part-time lover) and even let someone propose to their girlfriend on stage. While rocking out to the tunes we all know was great, it was the interludes of jazz sets with his fantastic band and his unbelievable drum solo that set this show apart from the rest. This has been a year of class acts - the NKOTBSB show better bring their A-game! (Yes, I have no shame in admitted I'm going to that show in June with my homegirls, Nikolina.)

Crowd pleasing evening events aside, this week also brought my 2nd visit to Al Ain and thus the wildlife park. We went a little too late in the evening, but the big cats were still kings of the jungle, the monkeys so adorable with their antics, and the flamingos majestic in bright pink feathers. I'm going back, both to Al Ain and to the much more to see.

With all the turmoil in the world over these last weeks, I leave you with wise words from a wiser man...pick up the phone and sing...I just called to say "I love you", I just called to say how much I care, I just called to say "i love you" and I mean it from the bottom of my heart.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

The road to Dubai

Abu Dhabi to Al Ain to Abu Dhabi to Dubai to AD to Dubai to AD to AA to AD.....phew. Who knew one could do so much travel all within 3 hours of driving? So goes the fabulous life of sustainability.

The road to Al Ain is paved with trees. Sure, I don't know where the water comes from, considering it's the desert and all, but it sure does look pretty. (I promise I've got a photo or two of it, and will be posting them.) Unlike the speeding cars that pave the way to Dubai, the gentle ride is quiet relaxing - and I can't wait to get to the Wildlife Preserve this week. Lions and tigers and, well, I don't actually think they have bears. Oh my.

Dubai, on the other hand, is insane. I liken it to Vegas on drugs. No, really, it's more emense, more over-the-top, more everything than one can imagine. All-day beach parties. Man-made islands. Skyscrapers that in any other town would dwarf the surrounding buildings, yet are themselves dwarfed by the Burj Khalifa. Standing over 2,500 ft tall, it boasts the titles of: tallest building, tallest free-standing structure, tallest elevator service, and highest outdoor observation deck - IN THE WORLD. I cannot wait to visit the next time I'm in town. If I don't, I'm pretty sure my architecture friends will disown me. This past weekend, the sand and sun called my name more loudly, and I traded the Burj to see one-hit wonder, Fragma, plus witness my friends lose 2 pair of sunglasses, 2 cell phones, and one flip-flop? Welcome to Dubai!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

let's go to the mall

For non-HIMYM fans, search Robin Sparkles with the title of today's will all be clear in a few, musically-epic moments. (Sandcastles in the Sun is also worth a watch.) Mall = life in Abu Dhabi, and the Marina Mall has everything - food court, grocery store, rink full of kids skating in stormtrooper style skates with cig smoking chaperones watching nearby. Joe Camel would be proud.

Not to worry, the weekend wasn't entirely spent indoors. We walked along Heritage Village and the neighboring beach, with plans of dipping our toes in the water. These hopes were quickly dashed by some very active jet skiers, spraying the shoreline with their testosterone-filled trick riding (sorry, gents but it's true). Entertaining, sure, but I left with some very unhappy feet.

And then there was Gaston Quieto, the "illusionist", performing Thursday night at Aloft hotel. The real magic came in the form of the surprisingly chilly Abu Dhabi evening that forced most of the crowd to wrap themselves in pool towels. I opted for my dear friend, Corona, to keep me warm.

After Gaston's disappointing bag of tricks, it was time for Pearls and Caviar at Shangri La. The place was filled with glamorous people, spectacular decor, breathtaking views of the Grand Mosque, and DJs spinning the tunes. It took a scenic golf cart ride from the entrance of the hotel to get to this secluded venue, past all the private villa parties.

Abu Dhabi, I'm sufficiently impressed. You will be too, now that I've got a camera and can start the real documentation of this trip.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Flying solo across the Atlantic

None of my friends and family seem interested in much else than photos from my travels and, yes, I'll get to those, but bear with me and read the ramble first.

24+ hours, 8 time zones, 5 movies, 3 meal services, and several other numbered items that seem inconsequential now, I've made it to Abu Dhabi. Palm trees line the road to the airport, warm breezes well into the wee hours of the night, and construction everywhere I look - this city is living up to all the stories.

My new coworkers, Firas and Lindsey, made sure my first night wasn't a waste and promptly took me from the airport out to a club, for drinks and dancing until 4am. Would you have turned down an opportunity to party it up with two "devastingly good-looking blokes"? They didn't think so either. Note my newfound appreciation for British-isms and expect them only get worse over my time here, as I'm the only American on my team.

After the timezone shock wore on and the work week started, I began to notice some of the little things that my great aunts would love....the food things. Free lunch in the office - yes, thank you. Waiters who bring you your coffee, fresh squeezed juice, or pretty much any other beverage you want, right to your desk - sure, why not? Desserts at every turn - ok, I'll have seconds if you twist my arm. However lazy I thought I was at work, it just got taken to a new level. Good thing I remembered my pants with the elastic waistband. To end the food portion of the programming, I'll leave you with this final thought/image. Commonly misprounced "Miranda" in Middle Eastern markets, due to its Arabic spelling, the name means "wonderful". That sums it up so far.